Card Design

How to Create Effective ID Badges: Logos

Your employee or student ID badges aren’t just security. They also serve as marketing pieces and your logo functions as the ‘face’ of your organization.

Your employee or student ID badges aren’t just security. They also serve as marketing pieces and your logo functions as the ‘face’ of your organization. A visual indicator that identifies who you are and what you’re all about. Adding a logo to your ID badge can create a sense of pride and loyalty among staff and students and build brand recognition amongst those who engage with your staff.

The dye sublimation technology used in our ID Maker systems provides for vivid full-color prints on a variety of materials. So you aren’t limited to just black and white, or a single color. In fact, it is recommended that your logo be bold and large so that it is clearly legible and visible from a distance. After the photo and personal details, the logo is the most important aspect of a secure and functional ID badge.

That being said, you should also avoid being too wild or distracting, using too many colors, gradients or filters. The logo should be clearly readable, but also should not distract from other important elements on the ID. It is also important to make sure other elements aren’t competing with or obscuring the logo. In fact, we recommend that you leave approximately 1/8 inch of open space around the logo and avoid from placing it too close to the edge of the card.

Make sure that you keep the location and color of your logo consistent on all IDs (though one interesting exception to this would be to identify specific departments or security levels by using different colors of logos – so long as the colors used are consistent with your brand and style guidelines).


Most importantly, always be sure your logo and ID card design are consistent with your organizations current marketing style-guide, including; logo, colors and fonts to ensure that your IDs are properly projecting a professional image and reinforcing the brand's message. If you are unsure about your organization’s style-guides, try contacting your Marketing or Graphic Design department for more information.

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